Remote jobs and partnerships, Video production, Monthly bonus scheme, Local landing page, Area SEO, Digital Marketing
Remote Jobs & Partnerships
Unlimited remote job opportunities and partnerships are available if the value proposition, tasks discussed and agreed
٢٠YouTube and video production
Video production, cooperation platform promoting local businesses, potential sponsors and members travelling adventures
٢١Local landing page, Area SEO
Local Landing Page in Your Area. Free landing page @workTravel.Agency for friends, partner, subscriber and sponsorships
٧Our Partners and Sponsorships
Post Your voucher, gift or information about discounts on products and services on YouTube and Social Media promotion
١٠Monthly bonus scheme
Reporting, approval, KPI, monthly budget-found, Criteria-metrics, members performance, discussions to improve
١٣Community groups discussions
Share the latest stories, ideas, pictures and more! Discuss on Remote job opportunity, work and travel for free, CRM,
٤Website development & design
Understanding user experience and websites that are easy to understand, navigate and use. Front-end developers questions
٣Workflow - Project Management
Project setup and workflow automation, Remote work worldwide, Project -Product management team questions answered.
- Remote Jobs & PartnershipsIf you have a bit of experience in video editing you can start today! Order will be placed on your freelancing platform today if you comment below the worst-performing video on the YouTube channel: Choose the worst video in the channel that you would like to edit/remake as a trial order. Publish your comments and suggestions publicly in the comments section below your chosen video: #Whatvalue would you like to add for viewers and subscribers? #WhatEngagement points? #Whatdesign suggestions? Trial order is a paid onboarding process to help you quickly understand workflow and communication with the development team. For more information visit the video production team forum category:إعجاب
- Our Partners and SponsorshipsHello. I send two sponsors for cali colombia. Social media. Instagram account restaurant. (Instagram glamping) Tiktok restaurant. Webpage restaurant. Webpage glamping. 10 - 15% for glamping from monday to friday. 10 - 15% discount for some foods in the restaurant Second sponsor. Here are the link for all social media. 5% for the services of seo, copywriting tourism broshure and ugc content. Thank u.
- Jobs. How to start in 2 steps?Step 1, is to answer the following questions to get clarity on your unique micro-niche that can have a massive impact on the people who need you most: 1. What is your career expertise or experience or are you passionate about? 2. What do people ask you for help or advice with? 3. What could you deliver a TED talk on without any preparation? 4. What is a skill, or experience you have mastered? 5. What transformation have you created for yourself or other people? 6. If you rewrote your life story and positioned yourself as the hero, how would that story go? Step 2: UNIQUE PROPOSITION TRANSFORMATION > INFORMATION The biggest mistake you can make when you are trying to impact more people with your skills and expertise is to share as much information as possible. People want transformation, they don’t need more information! Now that you’ve answered the questions above, the next step is to create your unique proposition which we call your transformation statement. This statement is what allows you to stand out and position yourself as the go-to authority for your clients. The best way to think about it is that you are taking your clients from 0 to HERO. HOW DO YOU CREATE A TRANSFORMATION STATEMENT? Start by filling in these blanks: “I HELP ________ GO FROM _______ TO ______ SO THAT THEY CAN ________” For example “I help freelancers, remote working-traveling members, partners, persons go from feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and lost when it comes uncertain workloads, job orders, failed projects implementation by creating a WorkTravel.Agency remote working platform, members onboarding, interviewing process focusing on identifying expectations, skills, goals and prepare to join project development teams/projects so that they have guaranteed orders, acceptable earnings and projects delivered on time and quality with full customer satisfaction.”إعجاب